
Common Mode Chokes

Falco is a leader in the production of Chassis Mounted Common Mode Chokes which have a frequency range from 1 kHz to 500 kHz and an Inductance range between 5uH to 80mH. Current handling capabilities up to 400 Amps, with a differential inductance being less than 1%. This is accomplished while using a variety of core geometries such as UU, UT, EE, and toroid. These common mode chokes are designed per UL standards such as UL 1446, IEC 6950, while using UL recognized insulation systems of 130C, 155C, and 180C.


Our chassis mounted common mode chokes are widely used in UPS, Inverters, and similar high power applications.



Common Mode Chokes are designed to attenuate and filter common mode noise within an electric system.   The key parameters for a common mode choke are the current rating (to ensure the part does not overheat within the application), the impedance versus frequency (to ensure it is optimized to attenuate the desired frequencies), the isolation voltage (to ensure it meets board level requirements between the line and neutral phases) and safety isolation (to ensure it meets the safety requirements of the end-application).   It is important to remember that common mode chokes cannot saturate in the application (under normal use) as they are designed to ensure that the line and return currents are balanced.

We design and manufacturers highly automated products for a wide range of applications including Industrial, Power, and Automotive.  Solutions range from mA to 50Arms.  

Custom solutions are available

  • EMI and RFI suppression for switching regulators and power supplies

  • Frequency ranges from 1 kHz to 500 kHz

  • Inductance range Between 5µH – 80mH

  • Current handling capability up to 1600Amps

Differential inductance less than 1%


  • EMI and RFI suppression for switching regulators and power supplies
  • Frequency range from 1 kHz to 500 kHz
  • Inductance range between 5µH – 80mH
  • Current handling capability up to 400Amps
  • Differential inductance less than 1%

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The inductive performance specialist.